Jaar Inligting 2021
TEMA/ THEME: SAVLU 90 Jaar Tema: Eer die verlede, vier die hede en omhels die toekoms. SAWAU 90 Years: Honour the past, celebrate the present and embrace the future
PROJEK / PROJECT: Wat leer ek my kind/kleinkind?
What do I teach my child/grandchild
KUNSTENAAR / ARTIST Henry-John Williams
PRODUK / PRODUCT: Blomkool as plaasvervanger vir stysel
Cauliflower as substitute for starch
BOME / TREES: Soetdoring / Sweet Thorn
Spekboom / Porkbush
President Cindy Coetzee
Vise-President Alna Kapp
Redaktrise Elsie Coetzee
Sekretaresse Dane Ferreira
Skakelbeampte Anna-marie Venter
Beoordelingssameroeper Isobel Geyser
Carpe Diem : Debbie du Plessis
Hoèveld: Gerda Buter
Kosmos: Alice de Beer
Malieveld: Elena Martens
Suikerbos: Tania van Rooyen
Tambukie: Alna Kapp
KONGRES: Riverside Lodge
Kongresprojek Bruikbare geskenk vir 'n bejaarde
SA KONGRES: 28 en 29 Oktober 2021 S George Hotel Centurion
ACWW/WBPV: Area Konferensie 3-4 Februarie 2021 Howick Natal
PROJEK / PROJECT: Wat leer ek my kind/kleinkind?
What do I teach my child/grandchild
KUNSTENAAR / ARTIST Henry-John Williams
PRODUK / PRODUCT: Blomkool as plaasvervanger vir stysel
Cauliflower as substitute for starch
BOME / TREES: Soetdoring / Sweet Thorn
Spekboom / Porkbush
President Cindy Coetzee
Vise-President Alna Kapp
Redaktrise Elsie Coetzee
Sekretaresse Dane Ferreira
Skakelbeampte Anna-marie Venter
Beoordelingssameroeper Isobel Geyser
Carpe Diem : Debbie du Plessis
Hoèveld: Gerda Buter
Kosmos: Alice de Beer
Malieveld: Elena Martens
Suikerbos: Tania van Rooyen
Tambukie: Alna Kapp
KONGRES: Riverside Lodge
Kongresprojek Bruikbare geskenk vir 'n bejaarde
SA KONGRES: 28 en 29 Oktober 2021 S George Hotel Centurion
ACWW/WBPV: Area Konferensie 3-4 Februarie 2021 Howick Natal
PERSOONLIKHEID 2021 Dawie is ‘n stigterslid, Direkteur en die hoof-ekonoom van die Efficient Group. Dawie se nuutste rol is as voorsitter van Efficient Private Clients, ‘n afiliaal Dawie is ‘n bekende Suid-Afrikaanse ekonoom met sowat 30 jaar se ervaring en is al 15-jaar die ankeraanbieder van Ontbytsake. Hy spesialiseer in monetêre en fiskale beleid. Hy volg internasionale en plaaslike politieke ontwikkelinge en ontleed die ekonomiese gevolge daarvan. Hy is ook ‘nkenner van die ekonomiese gevolge wat krypto bates kan inhou. Dawie is ook aktief betrokke by die bestuur van kliënte se bateportefeuljes. AGTERGROND EN FAMILIE: Dawie is gebore op 20 Junie 1961. Dawie is getroud met Marina, ‘n veearts. Sy oudste dogter Danielle, het ‘n doktorsgraad (PhD) in Genetika. Sy seun Kristoff, studeer regte aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Sy en Marina se tweelingdogters Daria en Yulia is twee en ‘n half jaar oud. BELANGSTELLINGS EN SPORT: Hy is ‘n amateur igtioloog. Hy neem aktief deel aan ‘n verskeidenheid sportsoorte (skubaduik, kleiduif skiet, draf en swem). Hy het sy eerste Comrades-marathon voltooi in 2015. Hy het ‘n besondere belangstelling en doen studies in Kommunisme. Hy het al sy fliekdebuut gemaak in “Babelas”. SY LOOPBAAN:
PERSONALITY 2021 BACKGROUND and Family Dawie was born on June 20, 1961. Dawie is married to Marina, a veterinarian. His eldest daughter, Danielle, holds a PhD in Genetics. His son Kristoff, is al lawyer. They have twin daughters, Daria and Yulia. INTERESTS AND SPORT: He is an amateur ichthyologist. He actively participates in a variety of sports (scuba diving, clay pigeon shooting, jogging and swimming). He completed his first Comrades marathon in 2015. He has a special interest and is studying Communism. He made his movie debut in "Babelas". DAWIE’S CAREER INCLUDES:
IN ‘N NEUTEDOP Naam: Jaco Jacobs. Verjaarsdag: 22 Februarie. Tuisdorp: Bloemfontein Stokperdjies: Lees, draf, fliek, versamel PEZ-houers Gunsteling-boek: Te veel om op te noem – maar hy is veral mal oor Stephen King se boeke. Jaco is op ‘n Karodorpie met die naam Carnarvon gebore. Hy was net sewe jaar oud toe hy al sy eerste storie geskryf en geïllustreer het (maar hy sê dit was so simple dat nie eens sy ma en pa dit wou lees nie). Hy was sy hele skoolloopbaan in die Hoërskool Carnarvon, en in matriek was hy hoofseun (van ‘n klas van net 14 matrieks!). Na skool het hy B>A. Kommunikasiekunde en sy honneurs in Afrikaanse en Nederlandse letterkunde aan die UIniversiteit van die Vrystaat voltooi, \voordat hy by Volksblad in Bloemfontein begin werk het, en daarna as uitgewer by ‘n bekende uitgewery. Deesdae spits hy hom voltyds op skryf- en vertaalwerk toe. Hy het sy eerste boek, Pretpark, reeds aan die einde van matriek geskryf (hoewel dit eers heelwat later gepubliseer is). Sy eerste boek wat verskyn het, was Troetelgedrog (2001). Sedertdien het hy al meer as 170 boeke vir kleurters, kinders en jong volwassenes geskryf. Hy woon in Bloemfontein saam met sy vrou, Elize, sy dogtertjies, Mia en Emma, drie honde genaamd Pippie, Otto en Boo, en ‘n troetelluislang 3 dinge wat jy nie van Jaco geweet het Nie: 1. Hy ly aan hoogtevrees. 2. Hy kan nie ‘n das knoop nie. 3. Hy was op skool glad nie sportief nie, maar deesdae is hy mal oor draf – en hy het reeds twee keer die Comrades-marathon voltooi. GUNSTELINGE:
IN a nutshell Name: Jaco Jacobs. Birthday: 22 February. Lives in: Bloemfontein Hobbies: Writing, reading, running, collecting PEZ MEET THE AUTHOR: Jaco Jacobs is the most popular and prolific children’s book author in Afrikaans. He has published more than 170 books and more than a million copies of his books have been sold. Jaco is also a well-known columnist, freelance journalist and translator. He grew up in a small South African town in the Karoo, one of the most arid parts of the world, and fell in love with books at a very young age. His writing career started at school, with his participation in numerous competitions for aspiring authors, and the publication of his first stories in magazines. His first children’s book, Pretpark, was written while he was still in school! Most of his books are written and published in Afrikaans. A Good Day for Climbing Trees was his first book published internationally by Oneworld Publications in the UK, and in 2018, A Good Night for Shooting Zombies was released. This latter book was one of two novels by Jaco that were adapted into feature films and released in South Africa. Both these books were nominated for the Carnegie Medal, and A Good Day for Climbing Trees was also published in Italian. Jaco lives in Bloemfontein, South Africa, with his wife Elize, daughters Mia and Emma, three dogs, a cat and a pet python. Praise for A Good Day for Climbing Trees: ‘Quirky, charming and very funny, but with a real emotional punch. It is the perfect place to start for someone looking to move on from The Wimpy Kid books.’ - Anthony McGowan, author of The Donut Diaries. 3 things you probably didn’t know about jaco: 1. He is afraid of heights. 2. After years of trying, he still can’t properly knot a tie. 3. At school, he was terrible at sports, but nowadays he’s a keen marathon runner who completed the Comrades ultramarathon twice. (He’s still a little out of breath!) favourites:
PRODUK 2021:
BLOMKOOL AS PLAASVERVANGER VAN STYSEL Blomkool is 'n groente wat van nature baie vesel- en B-vitamiene bevat. Dit bied antioksidante en nutriënte wat kanker kan beskerm. Dit bevat ook vesel om gewigsverlies aan te help en vertering te verhoog, cholien wat noodsaaklik is vir geheue, en baie ander belangrike voedingstowwe. Blomkool is 'n kruidagtige groente wat van nature baie vesel- en B-vitamiene bevat. Dit bied antioksidante en phitonutriënte wat kanker kan beskerm. Dit bevat ook vesel om gewigsverlies en vertering te verhoog, cholien wat noodsaaklik is vir leer en geheue, en baie ander belangrike voedingstowwe. Enkele vinnige feite vir u: blomkool is 'n lid van die brassica-familie en hoewel dit byna altyd wit is, kan u ook pers en groen variëteite vind. Dit is die hele jaar beskikbaar, maar is die beste tussen Desember en middel April; kies blomkool met helder wit koppe (geen verkleuring nie) en skerp, groen blare. Blomkoolrys: Wanneer blomkool in 'n voedselverwerker fyngemaak word, lyk dit soos fyn korrels wat as vervanging vir rys of koeskoes gebruik kan word. U kan dit roerbraai, rooster of in die mikrogolfoond gaarmaak vir 'n vinnige en gesonde alternatief vir koolhidrate. |
CAULIFLOWER AS SUBSTITUTE FOR STARCH Cauliflower is a vegetable that naturally contains a lot of fibre and B vitamins. It provides antioxidants and nutrients that can protect against cancer. It also contains fibre to help with weight loss and increase digestion, choline which is essential for memory, and many other important nutrient. Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is naturally high in fibre and B-vitamins. It provides antioxidants and phytonutrients that can protect against cancer. It also contains fibre to enhance weight loss and digestion, choline that is essential for learning and memory, and many other important nutrients. Some quick facts for you: cauliflower is a member of the brassica family and while it’s almost always white, you can also find purple and green varieties. It’s available all-year round but is best between December and mid-April; choose cauliflowers with bright white heads (no discolouration) and crisp, green leaves. Cauliflower rice: When blitzed in a food processor, cauliflower resembles fine grains that can be used as a substitution for rice or couscous. You can stir-fry it, roast it or blast it in a microwave for a quick and healthy alternative to carbohydrates. It’s great for vegetable and protein-packed bowls. Fry cauliflower rice in a drizzle of oil with salt and pepper and a few herbs or spices if you like. Tip into a bowl and top with grilled chicken, roasted veggies, lentils, beans, chickpeas, a few seeds and a dollop of yogurt or guacamole, and you’ve got yourself a super healthy protein-rich dinner |
HENRY-JOHN WILLIAMS ‘Wees bekoorlik, wees kreatief, wees buitengewoon, wees die allerbeste jy!’ Die joernalis Alita Steenkamp het in 2019 Henry-John soos volg in woorde opgesom: “Daar is vele elemente van kreatiwiteit. Soos ‘n ware kunstenaar glip Henry-John maklik van die een kreatiewe rol na die ander. Hierdie Nelspruiter verdien sy brood en botter as ‘n interieure ontwerper vir ‘n welbekende binnenshuise ontwerpmaatskappy. Hy bestuur ook sy eie binnenshuise-ontwerpmaatskappy binne hierdie groter maatskappy. Die ander sy van sy kreatiwiteit kom na vore wanneer hy voor’n klavier of klawerbord inskuif en liedjies skryf of ander kunstenaars begelei. Sy vermoë om die skakelteks vir musiekvertonings te skryf, sy vaardighede as regisseur en sy pragtige omvangryke stem, is alles deel van hierdie kunstenaar se vele talente.” WAAR ALLES BEGIN HET: Henry-John Williams is in die winter van 1981 gebore. Hy is die jongste in die familie en het ‘n ouer broer en suster. ‘n Paar maande na sy geboorte het sy familie na Pongola, verhuis. Sy ma was baie kreatief en almal het haar geken vir haar mooi tuin, blommerangskikkings en as eksentrieke haarkapster. Henry het in ‘n baie kreatiewe huis grootgeword. Daar was altyd musiek. Die gesin het graag gedans, gesing en konsert gehou. Sy gesin het na Mbombela teruggetrek toe hy tien jaar oud was. In die Laerskool het hy gereeld aan Eisteddfods deelgeneem. In die hoërskool het hy verskeie talentkompetisies gewen en professioneel begin optree toe hy in Graad 9 was. Deesdae geniet John-Henry dit besonder baie om sy kuns op vele vlakke te beoefen: as binnenshuise ontwerper, radio-aanbieder, teksskrywer en uitvoerende kunstenaar. MUSIEKLOOPBAAN: Henry-John het as 14 jarige begin sing. In sy hoërskoolloopbaan het hy verskeie sangkompetisies gewen en ook ‘n hele aantal toekennings ingeryg. Na matriek het hy in 2000 by die Jubelatum Sangers aangesluit. In een jaar het hy byne 300 optredes gehad saam met hulle. Nadat hy teruggekeer het na Mbombela, het hy begin om ligte musiek te studeer en het ook sy eie musiek begin skryf. In 2005 het hy sy eerste CD vrygestel, “The Classic Rock Album”. Hy het ook landswyd opgetree met hierdie musiek. Vir die afgelope tien jaar is Henry-John die konsertpianis vir die kabaretkunstenaar Natascha C. Van hulle musiekproduksies soos Oma Dekkers en Storie en Lied is by die Innibos Nasionale Kunstefees in Nelspruit opgevoer. Hy het ook die hoofrol gespeel in die verhoogproduksie Houtkruis – die musical. Hy het ook al verskeie liedjies vir ander kunstenaars gekomponeer en in 2018 was sy liedjie “Moet My Nooit Laat Gaan Nie” genomineer vir ‘n Ghoematoekenning as die beste Country Album in Suid-Afrika. Hy het saam met LIzz Meiring as haar verhoogbestuurder en klankingenieur gewerk en het onlangs drie liedjies vir Willie Strauss se nuwe CD geskryf. ONDERVINDING IN DIE TELEVISIEBEDRYF: Hy was bevoorreg om as ‘n ekstra op verskeie televisieprogramme ‘n verskyning te maak. Hy was ook te sien in die televisieadvertensie vir die BMW X-reeks. Hy het ‘n paar rolle as byspeler gedoen in reekse soos: 7de Laan, Binnelanders en Villa Rosa. SOLOKUNSTENAAR: Hy geniet ligte klassieke musiek. Musiek soos die van Andrew Lloyd Weber en Josh Groban. Hy is ewe gemaklik om Afrikaanse of Engelse pop-ballades te sing. Musiek soos “Sometimes When We Touch”, “Soos Bloed”, “Blou” en “If I Could Fly” van Frank Duval is sy gunstelinge. KLASSIEKE OPLEIDING EN OPLEIDING IN LIGTE MUSIEK: Vanaf Graad 6 tot Graad 12 het hy klassieke musiekopleiding ontvang by Petro Piso. In 2000 het hy by die Gospel toergroep Jubelatum Sangers aangesluit. Hulle het meer as 300 keer in daardie jaar opgetree. In 2000 tot 2003 was hy ingeskryf by Nita Lombard se musiekakademie waar hy ‘n kursus in ligter kommersiële musiek voltooi het. LOOPBAAN IN INTERIEURE ONTWERP: Binnenshuise onwerp Lê Henry-John besonder na aan die hart weens sy skeppende vermoë. In die 14 jaar wat hy in hierdie bedryf werksaam is, het sy ontwerpe en die toepassing van hierdie ontwerpe en die dekor hom reg oor Suid-Afrika geneem. Dit sluit alles in van projekte in woonhuise tot vyfster Lodges in Timbavati. Hy is nie bloot net die binnenshuise versierder nie maar ook die ontwerper. As ‘n ontwerper probeer hy dit altyd regkry om mense se asems weg te slaan en vir sy kliënte die mooiste moontlike dekor te verskaf terwyl hy steeds binne die begroting bly. Hy het sy eie program op Radio Laeveld: DEKOR 101 waar hy idees met die luisteraars deel. Henry-John se spreekwoord is nie verniet: “WEES BEKOORLIK ~ WEES KREATIEF ~ WEES BUITENGEWOON ~ WEES DIE ALLERBESTE JY!” Hy leef dit verseker uit! |
HENRY-JOHN WILLIAMS "Be charming, be creative, be extraordinary, be the very best you are!" Journalist Alita Steenkamp summed up Henry-John in 2019 as follows: “There are many elements of creativity. Like a true artist, Henry-John easily slips from one creative role to another. This Nelspruiter earns his bread and butter as an interior designer for a well-known interior design company. He also runs his own interior design company within this larger company. The other side of his creativity comes forward when he slides in front of a piano or keyboard and writes songs or accompanies other artists. His ability to write the link text for music performances, his skills as a director and his beautiful extensive voice are all part of this artist's many talents. ” WHERE IT ALL STARTED: Henry-John Williams was born in the winter of 1981. He is the youngest in the family and has an older brother and sister. A few months after his birth, his family moved to Pongola. His mother was very creative and everyone knew her for her beautiful garden, flower arrangements and as an eccentric hairdresser. Henry grew up in a very creative home. There was always music. The family enjoyed dancing, singing and holding concerts. His family moved back to Mbombela when he was ten years old. In primary school he regularly participated in Eisteddfods. In high school, he won several talent competitions and began acting professionally when he was in Grade 9. Nowadays, John-Henry especially enjoys practicing his art on many levels: as an interior designer, radio presenter, lyricist and performing artist. MUSIC CAREER: Henry-John started singing when he was 14 years old. During his high school career he won several singing competitions and also won a number of awards. After matric he joined the Jubelatum Singers in 2000. In one year, he had nearly 300 performances with them. After returning to Mbombela, he started studying light music and also started writing his own music. In 2005 he released his first CD, "The Classic Rock Album". He has also performed nationwide with this music. For the past ten years, Henry-John has been the concert pianist for cabaret artist Natascha C. Some of their music productions such as Oma Dekkers and Storie en Lied have been performed at the Innibos National Arts Festival in Nelspruit. He also starred in the stage production Houtkruis - the musical. He has also composed several songs for other artists and in 2018 his song "Moet My Nooit Laat Gaan Nie" was nominated for a Ghoema Award as the best Country Album in South Africa. He worked with LIzz Meiring as her stage manager and sound engineer and recently wrote three songs for Willie Strauss' new CD. EXPERIENCE IN THE TELEVISION INDUSTRY: He was privileged to make an appearance on various television programs as an extra. He was also seen in the television commercial for the BMW X-Series. He has played a number of roles as a supporting actor in series such as: 7de Laan, Binnelanders and Villa Rosa. SOLO ARTIST: He enjoys light classical music. Music like that of Andrew Lloyd Weber and Josh Groban. He is equally comfortable singing Afrikaans or English pop ballads. Music like "Sometimes When We Touch", "Soos Bloed", "Blou" and "If I Could Fly" by Frank Duval are his favorites. CLASSICAL TRAINING AND TRAINING IN LIGHT MUSIC: From Grade 6 to Grade 12, he received classical music training at Petro Piso. In 2000, he joined the Gospel tour group Jubelatum Singers. They performed more than 300 times in that year. From 2000 to 2003, he was enrolled at Nita Lombard's Academy of Music where he completed a course in lighter commercial music. CAREER IN INTERIOR DESIGN: Interior design is particularly close to his heart because of his creative ability. In the 14 years he has been working in this industry, his designs and the decor have taken him all over South Africa. This includes everything from residential projects to five-star Lodges in Timbavati. He is not only the interior decorator but also the designer. As a designer, he always tries to take people's breath away and provide his clients with the most beautiful decor possible while still staying within budget. He has his own program on Radio Lowveld: DEKOR 101 where he shares ideas with the listeners. Henry-John's saying is not in vain: "BE CHARMING ~ BE CREATIVE ~ BE EXTRAORDINARY ~ BE THE VERY BEST YOU!" |
BOME 2021 PORTULACARIA AFRA, SPEKBOOM Jy het al gehoor van ʼn spekboom, maar waaroor al die bohaai? Of jy dit nou spekboom of olifantkos noem, hierdie ongelooflike plant met sy helder groen, sirkelvormige blare hoort in elke Suid-Afrikaanse tuin. Die spekboom (Portulacaria afra) bevorder die gehalte van die lug wat ons inasem en help teen klimaatsverandering. Die spekboom het die vermoë om tussen vier en tien ton koolstof per hektaar in te neem. Dit werk soos ʼn spons wat koolstof uit die atmosfeer absorbeer. Oortollige koolstof in die atmosfeer is verantwoordelik vir aardverwarming, so hoe meer koolstof ons uit die lug kan verwyder en in die grond kan terugsit, hoe beter. Die spekboom is ʼn eg Suid-Afrikaans plant Die spekboom is inheems aan die Oos-Kaap, waar olifante dit as ʼn heerlike snoepery beskou. Dit is waterwys Die spekboom is waterwys en verg baie min onderhoud. Dis maklik om te kweek, want selfs die blare of stukkies van die plant wat op die grond beland, sal worteltjies maak. Die plant is droogtebestand en kan op 250 tot 350 mm water per jaar oorleef. Geskik vir alle seisoene en weerstoestande Die spekboom (Portulacaria Afra) is juis buitengewoon omdat dit twee metodes van fotosintese volg. Gedurende die wintermaande wanneer dit koel en vogtig is, vind gewone fotosintese en beter groei plaas. In droë toestande in die somer of winter volg 'n proses wanneer die plant sy huidmondjies oopmaak en koolsuurgas inasem en sure binne die plant laat opbou. Gedurende die nag word die huidmondjies gesluit en die sure word afgebreek om koolsuurgas binne die plant vry te stel sonder dat die plant vog deur sy huidmondjies verloor. Die beskikbare vog word dan deur middel van hierdie koolstofverbindings in die blare, stamme en wortels gebêre vir droë tye. Dit is dus 'n wonderplant, juis omdat dit albei hierdie prosesse kan volg. Wat die boom nog meer besonders maak, is dat sy humus nie kan brand nie. 'n Vuur kan dit dus nie vernietig nie en sy organiese materie, sowel as die koolstof uit die lug opgeneem, word uiteindelik in die grond geberg. Studies wat in die veld gedoen is, toon dat 'n gemiddelde stand van spekbome tot vier ton koolstof per jaar per hektaar vasvang. 'n Spekboom kan tot 100 keer meer koolstof uit die atmosfeer haal as wat 'n denneboom van dieselfde grootte kan doen. Dié unieke karakter is 'n positiewe aanvoerder vir koolstofboerdery. Spekbome floreer in gebiede met 'n reënval van 250 tot 375mm per jaar met baie warm somers. Dit word van 2.5m tot 4.5m hoog met 'n stam van gemiddeld 20cm in deursnee en kan tot 200 jaar oud word. Dit het sappige groen blare wat 1.3mm tot 2mm lank, stomp of gerond is en met 'n klein stingel geheg word. Dit blom in die lente of vroeë somer na goeie reën met stervormige pienk of ligpers dubbelslagtige blomme wat goeie heuning lewer. Die vrugte is klein bessieagtige pienk deurskynende vruggies met drie vlerkies en verlang spoedige reën na vrugval om te ontkiem. Dis maklik om ʼn spekboom te kweek Die spekboom kan maklik gekweek word. Sny of breek ʼn stukkie van die spekboom af, laat dit so vir een of twee dae uitdroog en druk dit dan in die grond. Gee dit bietjie water en binne ʼn paar dae sal jy jou eie spekboom hê. Maak seker jy gee dit nie te veel water nie, anders sal dit verrot. Spekbome aard in die meeste grondsoorte mits die dreinering goed is. Onthou, enigiemand wat ’n spekboom plant, doen die wêreld ʼn guns. Die spekboom is ʼn veelsydige plant Of jy nou soek na ʼn plant wat jy as ʼn heining of ʼn bonsai kan gebruik of as grondbedekking of ʼn groot bos, die spekboom is geskik vir alles. Die spekboom het in die somer fyn pienk blommetjies en is ook ʼn pragtige potplant. Dit reageer goed as dit gesnoei word en groei baie dig, wat dit die ideale heining maak. Dit kan ʼn hoogte van tot twee meter bereik. Jy kan ʼn spekboom eet Dit is nie ideaal om ʼn hele bord spekboom op te eet nie, maar dit is eetbaar en het ʼn ligte sitrusagtige smaak. As jy ooit daaraan dink om deur die Karoo te stap, kan jy aan ʼn blaar van ʼn spekboom suig – tradisioneel word dit gebruik om uitputting en dehidrasie te behandel. Wetenskaplikes het reeds in die 1960’s en 1970’s agtergekom die spekboom werk anders as ander plante. Wat die spekboom nog meer spesiaal maak, is dat sy humus nie kan brand nie. ʼn Vuur kan dit dus nie vernietig nie en sy organiese materiaal sowel as die koolstof wat uit die lug opgeneem is, word uiteindelik in die grond opgeberg. Growing Portulacaria afra: This versatile plant can be used in full sun or semi-shade in dry areas or even in well-watered flowerbeds. It can tolerate a moderate degree of frost, especially when mature. (It is also used as a rootstock for grafting the closely related but more difficult to grow Ceraria namaquensis (Namaqua Porkbush) which cannot tolerate water around its roots as it comes from very dry areas). The Porkbush can be used as a screen or even a clipped hedge. It also makes a handsome and hardy bonsai. Various different forms are found in cultivation, most of which originate from the Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden in South Africa (Ian Oliver pers. com.) These forms include a prostrate low growing ground cover, 'Prostrata'; a shrubby form with small round leaves which turn an attractive yellow in full sun, 'Aurea' and 'Foliis Variegatus' a slow growing variegated form which is well suited to pot culture. Another variegated form known as 'Medio-picta' has green leaves with whitish markings spreading from the centre. A large-leaved form known as ' Limpopo ' has much larger, more ovate leaves that can measure up to 20 - 30mm long and 15 - 20mm wide. This form represents the northern populations which extend into the northern provinces of South Africa and Mozambique. The Porkbush is easily propagated from cuttings, the seed is not often available. Cuttings or truncheons strike root easily and can even be planted directly into the ground where they are to be grown. Alternatively cuttings can be taken in the normal manner and allowed to dry out for a day or two in a cool, dry place and then planted in washed river sand. Keep them in a warm shady position until they are rooted and ready to be planted out. Cuttings root quickly and can usually be planted out after four to six weeks. |
TREE 2021
Portulacaria afra Jacq. Family: Portulacaceae Common names: Porkbush, Elephant's Food (English); Spekboom. Olifantskos (Afrikaans); iNtelezi, isiDondwane, isAmbilane, iNdibili, isiCococo (isiZulu); iGqwanitsha (isiXhosa). Portulacaria afra or Porkbush is a popular succulent garden plant in use around the world and is often used for bonsai. It has now been shown to be effective in carbon sequestration (binding atmospheric carbon which is responsible for climate change), in semi-arid landscapes and thicket vegetation it is also being used for restoration purposes. Description: The Porkbush is an attractive, evergreen succulent shrub or small tree that can reach 2 - 5 m in height, although usually around 1.5 - 2 m in a garden situation. It has small round succulent leaves and red stems. Small star-shaped pink flowers are borne en masse from late winter to spring although flowering in cultivation is often erratic. They are a rich source of nectar for many insects, which in-turn attracts insectivorous birds. Conservation Status Portulacaria afra is listed in the National Red List as which indicates that it is not threatened in its natural habitat. Distribution and habitat It is found in warm situations on rocky slopes in succulent karoo scrub, thicket, bushveld and dry river valleys in the eastern parts of South Africa from the Eastern Cape northwards into KwaZulu-Natal, Swaziland, Mpumalanga and the Limpopo Province as well as Mozambique. Derivation of name and historical aspects The name Portulacaria is composed of Portulaca + aria suggesting a similarity to the genus Portulaca. The word afra is in reference to the fact that the plant occurs in Africa. The Porkbush belongs to a large and widespread family (Portulacaceae) which includes the popular Portulaca and is often sold in garden centres and grown in domestic gardens as an annual for summer colour, although this is not a South African species. Other members of this genus include Portulacaria armiana and Portulacaria pygmaea the former has larger grey green leaves and is native to Namibia although it is not often cultivated, whereas the latter is a dwarf succulent shrublet with small, thickly fleshy, grey green leaves and occurs on rocky hillsides in Namaqualand, South Africa. Ecology: Interesting ecology has been observed with this plant in the Eastern Cape where it forms part of the diet of the Addo elephants in the Addo National Park. Elephants eat the plant from the top downwards allowing the plant to spread itself vegetatively by spreading horizontal branches at ground level. Outside the park the plants are eaten by goats who eat the plant from ground level upwards preventing the plant from spreading vegetatively. Consequently these plants must rely solely on seed to proliferate the species which often proves difficult in such a dry climate. As a result it was observed that inside the park where the plant is subjected to browsing by elephants the Porkbush survives and spreads successfully whereas outside the park the plant is becoming sparse as a result of overgrazing and poor regeneration. A very interesting mistletoe, Viscum crassulae, parasitizes this plant. The foliage of this mistletoe is hard and rough in contrast to the soft and smooth leaves of the Porkbush. The small red fruits of the mistletoe are enjoyed by birds who eat the sweet outer layer and discard the sticky seed which is normally wiped onto a branch by the bird. There it germinates directly through the bark of the porkbush with specialized roots called haustoria which extract moisture and soil nutrients from the host, while the green leaves allow the semi-parasitic mistletoe to produce its own food. Uses: The leaves of the Porkbush can be eaten and have a sour or tart flavour. It is heavily browsed by game and domestic stock and highly favoured by tortoises. The Porkbush has also been indicated as a soil binder for preventing soil erosion. Traditional uses also include the increasing of breast milk by lactating mothers. The leaves are used to quench thirst, sucking a leaf is used to treat exhaustion, dehydration and heat stroke. Crushed leaves can be rubbed on blisters and corns on the feet to provide relief. The leaves are chewed as a treatment for sore throat and mouth infections while the astringent juice is used for soothing ailments of the skin such as pimples, rashes and insect stings. The juice is also used as an antiseptic and as a treatment for sunburn. It is also recorded that a small sprig of Porkbush steamed with a tomato bredie (stew) imparts a delicious flavour. The honey made from the flowers of Porkbush is said to be "unsurpassable in flavour and texture" by one reference (Roberts 1990). The Porkbush and Climate Change Recent research has shown the Porkbush to be an excellent 'carbon sponge' as it has the ability to sequestrate (absorb) free carbon from the atmosphere which is used to make plant tissue. Carbon is one of the major greenhouse gases which are responsible for the warming of the earth's atmosphere; it is produced in excess by burning of fossil fuels. Currently, humans are producing atmospheric carbon faster than the environment can absorb it, causing a deficit which remains in the atmosphere and causes heat from the sun to be trapped instead of being radiated back out into space. The porkbush has the unique ability to absorb more carbon from the atmosphere than most other plants and it does so particularly efficiently. A stand of Porkbush consequently has the ability to remove more carbon from the atmosphere than an equal amount of deciduous forest. How does it manage this? The Porkbush has the ability to make use of two different photosynthetic pathways, when conditions are favourable it manufactures its food to sustain growth by using the same method (pathway) that most other plants use. However, when conditions are not favourable and other plants have to shutdown and wait for sufficient rain, the porkbush can switch to a different pathway called CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) whereby it can continue to grow and slurp up huge amounts of carbon despite adverse climatic conditions. This allows the plant to excel in the arid or semi-arid conditions that it is native to. Further to its carbon habit, the large spreading shrub covers and shades the soil from the harmful rays of the sun creating a favourable environment under the bush for insects and other wildlife to inhabit, while the dead organic matter which accumulates under the bushes has an enriching effect on the soil. This further enrichment of the soil improves its water-holding capacity which further benefits the porkbush as well as other plants and animals including micro-organisms, which occur in the area. Projects now active in the areas where the Porkbush occurs seek to utilize it as a rehabilitation aid to restore over-utilized natural habitats to their formerly productive state. At the same time these sites act as carbon sinks (kind of carbon bank) where carbon can be collected and used where it belongs and is productive to both humans and the environment. Potential earnings through carbon credits could be translated into social upliftment in the areas where this plant is being utilized. |